Capital punishment is too good for him.

To paraphrase Jay “The Mohron” Mohr, in the case of mass murderer Kermit Gosnell, we need to do away with the 8th Amendment.  For Democrats (and others not familiar), the Eighth Amendment prohibits “cruel and unusual punishment.”  Ordinarily, I’d say that’s a pretty good idea.  But we have, apparently as an entire society, lost any notion of cruel or unusual.  To wit, the media – until recently shamed into it – have all but ignored the Kermit Gosnell death penalty trial.  Complicit bastards.

But further, Planned Parenthood has never seen an abortion they didn’t like.  Recently, one of their spokesmen/women/thingy testified for the Florida legislature and steadfastly refused to rule out the extermination of a living, breathing, outside the womb person.  When he was a U.S. Senator, the current occupant of the White House voted in favor of exactly what Kermit Gosnell is accused of doing.  Complicit bastards.

On the last day of the prosecution’s case in the trial of Kermit Gosnell, an employee of his testified that she saw one late-term baby who survived an abortion “swimming” in a toilet and “trying to get out.”

So I say, we have an abortion culture in this country because a bunch of pagans and baby killers are clinging to the bloody sacrament and their Eighth Amendment.  The continue killing because they obviously have no fear in this life or the one to come.  So perchance the taste of torment here might lead at least a few to reconsider the torment of their souls in the hereafter.

So assuming Gosnell is convicted, let’s get rid of that pesky Eighth Amendment and float old Kermit in a big porcelain bowl for a while.  Right before he succumbs, let’s just jab the old scissors (I’d suggest the ones he used) right there in the base of his skull.  Anything less is just a little too good for him.  Bastard.

Oh, and thanks ever so much to Jay “The Mohron” Mohr for the idea.

CNS reports:

Kareema Cross, a “medical assistant” who worked at Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society clinic for four-and-a-half years, testified in a Philadelphia court today, telling of the horrors of babies who survived abortions only to have their necks snipped with scissors.

“Did you ever see those babies move?” asked Prosecutor Joanne Pescatore.

“Yes, once in the toilet,” said Cross.

The baby “was like swimming,” she said.  “Basically, trying to get out.”

Adrienne Moton, an employee at the clinic, then took the baby and snipped the back of its neck while its mother was still in the room.

Cross told the jury that when Shayquana Abrams came into the clinic in July 2008 she was pregnant, “and she was big.”

“That was the largest baby I ever saw,” Cross said.

When the baby was born alive, Abrams was sleeping.  Cross said Dr. Gosnell took the baby boy, which she described as 12 to 18 inches long, and put him inside a plastic container the size of a shoebox.

“The baby was still breathing,” she said.  “He didn’t cut the neck right there.”

The baby was too big for the plastic container, with his arms and legs hanging over the sides.

“The Doctor cut the back of the baby’s neck but didn’t do suction—normally Dr. Gosnell would do suction … to suck the brains out,” Cross said.

“I called people over to come see it [the baby] and we took pictures,” she said.

Grand Jury Report, Abortionist: 'This Baby Is Big Enough to Walk Around With Me or Walk Me to the Bus Stop'Baby Boy A, allegedly killed after being born alive and then having his spinal cord cut at the abortion office of Dr. Kermit Gosnell. (AP)

The baby boy had curled himself into the fetal position and laid on his side in the box.  An image of the baby taken by Cross was shown to the court, showing him laying lifeless on his side.  (the photo of the infant, Baby A, is included in the Grand Jury Report and is posted in this article.)

“It was supposed to go upstairs in the freezer, but it was still there the next day because the janitor complained,” Cross added.

She said Dr. Gosnell told her “the baby is big enough that it could walk to the store or the bus stop.”

Eventually the baby boy went in the freezer, Cross said.

Abrams was 17 when she went to the Women’s Medical Society for a late-term abortion on

July, 12, 2008.  Earlier in the trial, Abrams testified that she was 29 weeks (slightly more than 7 months) pregnant and that the abortion sent her to the hospital for two weeks with complications, including a blood clot in her heart.  Abortions after 24 weeks are illegal in Pennsylvania.

Cross also testified that she witnessed Steven Massof, an unlicensed medical school graduate who worked at the clinic, snip babies necks (spinal cords) 25 to 30 times.

Cross said she saw babies that were still breathing after botched abortions at least 10 times.  Dr. Gosnell would cut the back of their necks with scissors, she said.