Newt disgusts . . . even Newt.

At least he and I agree on something.

No doubt in response to the internationally acclaimed and world renowned blogger, Michael Hirsh, GOP presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich reversed field (I know . . . again) and said he would support legislation that defines “personhood as beginning at conception,” a reversal from his comments last week that life begins at “implantation.”

“As I have stated many times throughout the course of my public life, I believe that human life begins at conception,” a statement posted Saturday on Gingrich’s website read in part. “I believe that every unborn life is precious, no matter how conceived.”

Gingrich has been under fire from anti-abortion groups for telling Jake Tapper at ABC News last week that life begins at “implantation.”  You’re welcome!

Even if Newt names me as his Veep, he’s not gonna get my endorsement.  I should say ESPECIALLY if he names me as his Veep!

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