Ever notice that every time a Christian suggests that he believes in Creation, he gets lambasted, ridiculed, and otherwise treated not very nice. Ditto for even questioning Global Warming. “Follow the science,” we are chided.
Yet we possess evidence that on the evidence spectrum is right up there with thermonuclear devices. A picture is worth a thousand words. Maybe a million.
So here’s a magnum opus:
Unborn babies are able to hear in the womb at just 16 weeks gestation, a new study has revealed.
For the first time scientists at the Institut Marques in Barcelona have shown a foetus is able to detect sounds, and furthermore, that they respond by moving their mouths and tongues.
It is accepted that an unborn baby’s ear is fully developed at week 16 of a pregnancy.
But, until now experts did not believe a foetus could hear until week 18, at the earliest but more commonly nearer 26 weeks.
Dr Marisa Lopez-Teijon, who led the study, said the findings show a foetus responds to music transmitted intravaginally by moving their mouth and tongue, ‘as if they were trying to speak or sing’.
Read more here.
Who knew there is a baby in there? We all did.
So Cecile Richards, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and all you other abortophiles remember when you’re brought up on charges of Crimes Against Humanity – and we’re not just talking parts here – that you heard it here first.