Your Tax Dollars at Work: Cecile Richards gets $1M


And you thought Donald’s comb-over was bad


LifeNews reports:

According to Planned Parenthood’s IRS Form 990, president Cecile Richards pocketed a whopping $957,952 in annual take-home pay in fiscal year 2014.  That figure represents a dramatic leap from FY 2013, even compared to the significant raises the abortion boss receives with each passing year.

The previous year, Richards received a $67,000 salary increase, bringing her income close to $600,000 – up from $523,616 in 2012.  In 2011, she made $420,153.  In 2009, Richards made about $353,000.  Thus, within a few short years, Cecile Richards’ salary ballooned from well below half a million to nearly one million dollars.  Data for the most recent years is not yet available.

And paying million dollar salaries does not break the bank for an abortion behemoth which boasts a cool quarter-billion in net assets and rakes in half a billion from taxpayer pockets every year.  What’s an extra million bucks?  Well, when the revenue is coming from abortion sales, an extra million bucks represents human lives.  About two thousand of them, to be exact.

I guess when Planned Parenthood talks about helping women, they mean just this one.

Does the fact that Donald Trump has promised to stop giving taxpayer money to Planned Parenthood give us reason enough to vote for him?  Because his opponent has promised to keep the largest abortion provider on the planet on the taxpayer payroll.