Pope acting like a leftist politician?

Ya’ think?  Maybe it’s not an act.

Paul Gos­ar is not pleased with Pope Fran­cis—and he’s ready to skip next week’s his­tor­ic speech as a res­ult.

In an op-ed on the con­ser­vat­ive site Town­hall.com, the Ari­zona Re­pub­lic­an ap­pears very much con­cerned that Fran­cis will urge ac­tion to fight cli­mate change when he be­comes the first pope to speak dir­ectly to a joint ses­sion of Con­gress. The pontiff is an out­spoken ad­voc­ate of ac­tion to com­bat man-made cli­mate change, a stand that does not sit well with Gos­ar, a skep­tic of the sci­entif­ic con­sensus that hu­man activ­ity is the primary driver of dan­ger­ous glob­al warm­ing.

“At this pivotal mo­ment in world his­tory, His Holi­ness, Pope Fran­cis, is in­tend­ing to spend the ma­jor­ity of his time on one of the world’s greatest stages fo­cus­ing on cli­mate change,” Gos­ar writes, de­clar­ing: “If the Pope plans to spend the ma­jor­ity of his time ad­voc­at­ing for flawed cli­mate-change policies, then I will not at­tend.”

Gos­ar’s of­fice con­firmed that the con­gress­man plans to boy­cott the speech out of con­cern that the pope will be talk­ing ex­tens­ively about cli­mate change. Pope Fran­cis’s speech will take place be­fore a joint-ses­sion of the House and Sen­ate on Septem­ber 24th.

The House Re­pub­lic­an ar­gues that if Fran­cis wants to ad­voc­ate for the en­vir­on­ment, he should do so in his own free time and not on while on the clock for the Cath­ol­ic Church.

“If the pope wants to de­vote his life to fight­ing cli­mate change, then he can do so in his per­son­al time. But to pro­mote ques­tion­able sci­ence as Cath­ol­ic dogma is ri­dicu­lous,” Gos­ar writes, adding: “When the pope chooses to act like a left­ist politi­cian, then he can ex­pect to be treated like one.”

Now, if we can just start treating leftist U.S. politicians who defy Church teaching and cause scandal to be treated like leftist politicians who defy Church teaching and cause scandal.

You listening Nancy?