Tag: John Kerry

Fonda Kerry?

Even among  good Christians, Conservatives and Constitutionalists there are doubters and skeptics, and even the majority of them remain inadequately informed.   Look at this picture and let it all sink in.  This is the socialist, amoral, Left.  These are the people who are loved and supported by the Media. Who is that guy standing next to Hanoi …

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Secretary of Stupid Strikes Again.

Secretary of State John Kerry exercises his right as an American, to be stupid, that is. As was previous reported here, the former Liberal Senator from Massachusetts told the Germans it was an American right, sandwiched somewhere between the separation of church and state and the right to an abortion.  The Germans, possessors of a …

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John Kerry exercises his right as an American.

The Right to be Stupid shall not be infringed. He’s sure it’s in the Constitution somewhere . . . probably right next to that whole separation of church and state thingy. And if there’s one thing that the Obama administration in general – and John Kerry throughout his political life, in particular – embodies is …

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